The Stone Basiq enterprise was created in 2004. Since then a large way has been gone round the natural stone in the world. Thanks to a great effort an excellent experience has been acquired for making and marketing of marble.


In the most our raw material is Spanish origin. Our supplies come of the best quarries in the national country and even international, in case of Crema Marfil quarry in "El Coto" mountain range, considerated one of the biggest in the world.

During these years Stone Basiq has been in constant evolution to position ourselves as one of the leading companies in the international market. Thanks to this we are able to export our materials to almost anywhere in the world.

Stone Basiq opts for the specialization way inside the manufacture of the natural marble, specifically in the production of 10 mm thickness. We also offer a wide range of measurements.

Do you want to know us better?

Get in touch with us, we are happy to talk to you.



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